Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Every human, man or woman, is having diseases both physically and mentally. Physical diseases can be cured by taking medicines whereas the mental diseases are not so. It serves well if one is aware of the stress management tips enabling him/her to reducing stress and feels relaxed. Only a few are wise enough to know the techniques and ways to relieve stress. Anyhow there are specially trained experts to help for the needed.

Mentally affected persons are different from mentally distorted persons. Some sorrowful events and over work for mind are to affect mental health of a person. But a stress with mental tension is mostly due to own making burden instilled to the brain consequently leading to mental health disorders. So, one should know the under mentioned 10 stress management tips to be free from distorting vibrations in the mind.

1.Planning daily activities: It is always good to have a plan of action before to carry out. Any activity with a pre plan is well done giving good results as anticipated. It is to say that there is a pleasure to the individual once the goal is achieved as expected. The pleasant result definitely relaxes the mind to proceed further without stress.

2.Don’t be in a hurry burry: There are some persons to be always in hectic and hurrying. It is indeed to spoil the rod than to spare for better results. Such persons whether at home or at office spoil their name with bad results in hurried activities. The worst is to say that the individual is thrown to stress and strain. So, it is needless to be hurried in anything if wisely thought.

3.Positive thinking: To think wisely may be easier with some individuals but it is not a positive thinking. It implies indeed hoping to achieve the goal as envisaged. Optimistic thought is indeed another incentive to see the work done in time and yielding fine results where there is no place for anxiety and panic attacks. Thinking negatively should as far as possible be avoided.

4.Taking healthy diet: Taking nutritious and healthy diet is also one of the stress management programs felt as important as anything else for maintaining health. It serves more when the diet is taken in time with limit as required to the body to provide calories. Irregular diets habits as and when getting an opportunity to fill the stomach creating indigestion problems which in turn making the individual to suffer with mental tension should be avoided.

5.Mild physical exercises: Physical exercises keep the body fit and a little rest gives freshness to body and mind. It would be a new experience to feel better with mild exercises without straining much.

6.Relaxed walking or outing: Whether men or women tired with week through office work and bounded domestic work need rest at least one day at home. Instead of being lazy at home, it is good to spend the holiday with a short picnic to a very nearby place like park or sites for relaxed walking exercise. This will keep the mind pleasant and freed from all stress and tension.

7.Yoga and breathing exercises: Yoga for stress management is of two types. One is to keep the body at various static positions making the internal parts flexible accordingly and keeping them alert and active. The other is to keep the mind at an absolutely calm status of tranquility. Yoga is to keep the mind relaxed. Breathing exercise regulates blood circulation and makes you feel relaxed. Both yoga and breathing exercise guided by a trained master are best suggested for coping with stress.

8.Divert your mind to mild music: When you are tired with work, physical or mental, tune your mind to hear mild and melodious music which id no doubt one of the relaxation techniques for stress. Soft music is always recommended for reducing stress due to tension in the workplace.

9.Anger stress management: Anger is the first enemy for increasing the stress with any person which is almost treated as an anxiety panic disorder. It is advising to all those are easily susceptible to stress to avoid getting angry for each and everything.

10.Develop a give and take mind: It is a good psychological process of feeling pleased by giving first something to your friends and feel pleased with a few other things receiving from them. It is one of the reliable ways to relieve stress.

Knowing simply what is stress management and how to manage stress cannot serve the purpose of reducing stress but practicing alone the above suggested 10 stress management tips when in need will certainly help as ways to manage stress.


What is anger?
Anger is one of the most afflicting ailments to your mind frequently at any time when the individual goes out of moods. It is identified with a deluded mind highly unrealistic causing distress to self image and damaging to others. Angry outbursts are affecting negatively one’s relationships with family and neighbours around known or unknown. A person with anger deserves for nothing well of his occupations. As such one is safe with a minimum knowledge of anger management techniques to reduce anger.

Effects of anger:
Just like stress and anxiety, anger has a profound negative effect in the body against maintaining health. Biological description points out that the brain is stimulated to induce pituitary glands for excessive secretion of hormones readily to affect almost every part of the body. The effect of hormonal over secretion continues to surge around the body and develop increased heartbeat, suffocation in the lungs, increased normal glucose levels and hypertension with raised body temperature.

Religion and anger stress management:
Almost all religions emphasize that anger is the first enemy with the individual occupying a hidden place and bursting out in unwarranted situations. Until it is hidden and sleeping at unconscious level, there is no problem. Once it emerges with no reason or for some reason, the individual is liable for suffering with the bad effects. Away from religious bearing, psychological and practical physical inconveniences should be taken into account and necessary precautionary anger reducing steps should be taken.

Anger reducing tips:
1.The prime anger management tool is to retreat and rethink before reacting to say anything so that you are safe from regretting later.
2.Don’t grudge with others but try to forgive because it is highly unreasonable to expect everyone to behave positively in your line.
3.Humour is the best of all anger reducing techniques your anger by just imagining yourself in clownish play with anger.
4.Try to respond rather than instantly react to anger triggers and stressors.
5.Leave yourself from the perplexing scene until you choose to respond free from anger. You can better have a reach out to someone you trust for advice.

To put in practice anger management techniques may be difficult at thoughts and may require time and efforts when facing situations sending you in rage. At climax, you may not be for coping with the strategies and follow the tips to reduce anger. The ego supporting your anger should be thrown off and should think much about the peaceful life you’re to enjoy by doing so.

There is a philosophy which advocates avoiding anger and making life enjoyable with anger management group activities. Anger is very often triggered to meet bad consequences by the discrepancy arising between what we expect beyond and what we are really worth to achieve. Learning to accommodate with all inconveniences and adjust those expectations–sometimes encouraging positively and other times declining negatively can help you to cope with difficult situations or people or even cope with ourselves.

Having a comprehensive knowledge about the characteristics and disadvantages of anger, we are to keep a keen watch of our mind carefully at all times. We will be then on the safer side to recognize instantly whenever it begins to develop and cause physical as much as mental undesirable consequences which are in general felt torturing.


Job stress is a serious problem and indeed a costly one in American workplace with eight hours. Workplace stress frequently attacks you with bilateral pressures and to the worst with combined effects of internal and external stressors. In such context employees and managerial staff must know the stress management in workplace since work is the exertion of utilization of mental or physical purpose oriented activity with a goal to achieve. You are in stress in case of increased working hours, conflicts with other employees, decreased job satisfaction and less production.

It is emphasized that stress symptoms like headache, heavy heart should not be ignored otherwise to feeling fatigue and ill with injured heart. You have the ways to reduce much of your stress by refreshing techniques to regain the perspective and perfume.

Training program is an unmatched stress management tool in workplace producing best results. It benefits both to the organization as well as to the individual. The participants with highly interactive learning have opportunity to getting what’s important to them done in less time. The managerial boss is pulled by and occupied with multiple first hand things to attend both on and off duty. The stress management training program enables improving his organizational skills throwing away flimsy things of less importance.

Focusing your thoughts to the right way is another technique of stress management in workplace to breaking through stressors. You know you are born for work to live and not to live for work. Too many hours spent for work make you tired both mentally as much as physically. From morning to night you have a cycle of multiple activities making you stress burst even when you lie down for bed rest. Learn to focus your thoughts on work when you are in work hours and shift over to life when back at home which will take you long way towards managing workplace stress.

Causes for stress at workplace:
Causes of stress, known as stressors, are of two types called internal and external. The factors influencing are as follows:

Internal stressors: All physical pains such as migraine, dehydration, vomiting, mental worries of psychological setback and so alike.

External stressors: Environmental inconveniences unreasonable expectations in work performance, lack of interpersonal relationship and communication among the staff and officials, long working hours, under estimation of work skills, underpaid salary and promotion blocking, motivated blaming and finding faults f0r everything.

Stress reduction tips:

1. Be funny than to be serious with the staff at workplace. Humour helps you a lot in reducing stress. It requires zero cost and no effort needed. Biological change is effected at brain level to reducing stressed mindset.
2. Sleep and rest after work hours are always emphasized for a healthy life bodily and mentally.
3. Mild and a little wild exercises warm up and relax cold, loosen your tight muscles and tissues contributing to keeping down stress experiences suffered at office.
4. Watching or listening to amusing and amazing programs in TV and reading books of jovial novels and stories indirectly help off-throwing your stress buds.
5. Reduce or totally avoid toxin intakes – especially tobacco and alcohol whose role is to give temporary pleasure but they are to affect the balance of the body dragging to stress.
6. Share your worries at workplace with your comrades and companions and off-load the bad effects of stressors.
7. Early intervention and voluntary mindset for stress reduction is always yield better relief.
8. Avoid office politics and quarreling conflicts among staff when at workplace.

It is noteworthy that the discussion made related to stress management at workplace holds good in general for all situations of life, when at workplace or at home. For anything you should know all about stress management in general applicable to all walks of life.